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wooden fish,
These fish can interlock together a little like yin and yang symbols. There is an animation of them explaining themselves which is coming online soon as a streaming Quicktime.
originally uploaded by hobart hughes.
The soldier is a carved replica of a plastic model that was lying around the studio. I'm pretty sure the frog is just about to spit it out. I assumed it was curious as it's such ad odd shape, nothing in the frog's experience has ever proven that's not food; it's testing it with it's mouth. There's no si-fi giant frog theme going on here just a moment of frog presence with a plastic soldier.
originally uploaded by hobart hughes.
This is a protoza that is found in the gills of Carp. Carp are a real pest in Australian rivers as they destroy the habitat of native fish.
originally uploaded by hobart hughes.
Human Tide01, Installation, this work is actually upside down. Visitors to the gallery wore inversion glasses which turn your vision upside down. This made the room look the right way up. The experience was submersive which was appropate since it was set underwater. All your movements worked the wrong way, as you look up the image appears to move down. Your feet are on the ceiling and your sight is operating in still from your head but working upside down.
originally uploaded by hobart hughes.
Horse in a flood,
About 1.2 meters long constructed from recycled wood. I suppose there is no need to explain some things.
originally uploaded by hobart hughes.